After our survey, we compiled the results to reveal the top 3 challenges parents with toddlers face:
The top 3 challenges parents face, from highest to lowest are:
1. Toddler Tantrums
2. Toddler not listening
3. Disciplining your toddler
Many times parents of toddlers feel alone and they feel as if they are the only ones facing these challenges. The reality is you are not alone!
The interesting part is that while these challenging behaviors displayed by our little ones can feel frustrating or overwhelming, these behaviors are part of their growth and development.
The good news is that during the early childhood years, there are steps you can take to turn those challenging behaviors into important life lessons for your little ones' future success. Using your child's natural development is a proactive approach to support them.
Top 3 Goals of Parents of Toddlers During the Challenges
When asked: "What are your 3 main outcomes or goals when it comes to setting healthy boundaries with your toddler during challenging behaviors?" The top 3 responses were (from highest to lowest):
1. Supporting my child in developing their social and emotional skills
2. Having a connected and healthy parent child relationship
3. Finding an approach to parent in a way that sets healthy boundaries
These are inspiring and impactful goals of parents for their toddlers. Each one is a crucial piece of the puzzle.
Parents are looking for tools and strategies that feel good to them, that are developmentally appropriate for their child and that they can be consistent with. Your power of influence is highest during your child's early childhood years. There are many things that children naturally do when they are in the early childhood years, such as, modeling, seeking connection and the enthusiasm to learn and grow.
These 3 goals are inter-connected. When you find a parenting approach and plan that works for you, it helps you to set healthy boundaries and encourage healthy habits in your child and yourself. When you are firm and have clarity, you can consciously strengthen your parent-child connection which will positively influence and build your child's social-emotional skills.
The reality is, as the popular saying goes, we will not know what the future will look like for our children, however, we can do our best to prepare them for the future. This is the best gift you can give your child. The skills needed for their future success begins during the critical early childhood years.
Many times, parents feel as if they are not doing enough or they feel guilty. We believe that parents are doing the best they can and that they genuinely want to help their children. Some parents may not be sure on how to get started while others know what to do, but need support in implementing to make positive changes in their family.
We celebrate each one of you for all the efforts you are making!
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